Thursday, June 13, 2024

DIY: Lantern Recycled

DIY:  Lantern Recycled 

Okay, Y’all, my mother-in-law wanted to trash her rusted, old lantern.  But, I told her to let me have a day with it and see what I could do with it.   

I’m really happy with the finished outcome - and so is my MIL.  She’s absolutely in love with her lantern now. 

First, I washed and cleaned it.  Then, I removed any loose paint. Once cleaned, I painted all of the metal with black acrylic paint.  I used little wood cubes, painted black, and hot glued/E-6000 to the bottoms of each round leg. 

Inside the lantern, instead of adding back a candle, I placed a small piece of round styrofoam with glue. I then added some flowers, greenery and moss.  Last, I added a set of green, battery-operated lights. I glued the battery case underneath the lantern. 

The transformation to this project was absolutely gorgeous. Remember, before you trash something, think about the potential possibilities in recycling/repurposing it.

Happy Crafting!!!


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