Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Fox Cozy...for Mason Jar

Here's a quick and easy home decor project - Fox Cozy.  I used mine to fit around a wide mouth quart-sized Mason Jar.  But, you can easily adjust foundation chain smaller or bigger to fit a different-sized object of your choice.  I know I've been making quite a few "fox" themed projects lately, but it's all been from one skein of Hobby Lobby's, I Love This Yarn, in Terra Cotta.  I love getting the most out of a skein.  And, I truly believe I achieved a lot of bang for my buck on this skein.  

So, check out my previous posts for additional "Fox" themed ideas.

Please feel free to Pin this on Pinterest to make now or for later...

Fox Cozy - Mason Jar

Fox Cozy -Mason Jar Pattern

Difficulty Level: Easy

-4.0mm hook
-#4 worsted weight yarn in Terra Cotta, black and white (30-40 yards total)
-2 small buttons (I used a turquoise color, but use any color you want)
-tapestry needle for weaving

Stitch Abbreviations:
Ch: chain
Sl st: slip stitch
Sk: skip
SC: single crochet
HDC: half double crochet
SC2tog: single crochet 2 stitches together
SC3tog: single crochet 3 stitches together
FO: fasten off
MR: magic ring 

1.  Ch46.  HDC and SC in 2nd ch from hook.  *Sk next ch, HDC and SC in next ch,* repeat across.  Into last ch, SC.  Ch1 and turn. (45)
2-4.  HDC and SC in first st.  *Sk next ch, HDC and SC in next ch,* repeat across.  Into last ch, SC.  Before completing last st, FO Terra Cotta yarn and switch to white yarn.  Ch1 and turn.  (45)
5-7.  HDC and SC in first st.  *Sk next ch, HDC and SC in next ch,* repeat across.  Into last ch, SC.  Before completing last st, FO white yarn and switch back to Terra Cotta yarn.  Ch1 and turn.  (45)
8-10.  HDC and SC in first st.  *Sk next ch, HDC and SC in next ch,* repeat across.  Into last ch, SC.  Ch1 and turn.  At the end of Row 10, FO and leave a long tail to whipstitch the 2 short ends together.  (45)

With right sides facing, whipstitch the 2 short ends together.  Weave ends.  

1.  With Terra Cotta yarn, Ch6.  SC in 2nd ch and across.  Ch1 and turn.  (5)
2.  SC across.  Ch1 and turn.  (5)
3.  SC2tog, SC in next st, SC2tog.  Ch1 and turn.  (3)
4.  SC across.  Ch1 and turn.  (3)
5.  SC3tog.  FO, leaving a long enough tail for attaching.  (1)

Tip of nose:
1.  With black yarn, 3 SC into MR.  Sl st to first st and FO.  Leave a long enough tail to attach.  

Tip:  attach black tip to nose end before attaching nose to cozy... 

See pics for placement of button eyes.  

Ears (make 2):   
1.  With black yarn, Ch2.  SC in 2nd ch from hook.  Ch1 and turn.  (1)
2.  2 SC in st.  Ch1 and turn.  (2)
3.  2 SC in first st and 1 SC in next st.  FO and weave ends.  (3)
4.  Join Terra Cotta yarn in first st and Ch1.  SC in same st as Ch1 and across.  Ch1 and turn.  (3)
5.  2 SC in first st, 1 SC in next st, 2 SC in last st.  Ch1 and turn.  (5)
6.  SC across.  FO and weave ends.  (5)
7.  Join white yarn in any st and Ch1.  SC in same st and around.  FO, leaving a long enough tail for attaching.  

See pic for ear placement... and, that's it!!!  Super cute and quick Fox Cozy for your home decor or to give as a gift....

Happy Crocheting!!!

--don't claim my pattern as your own
--don't use my pics
--okay to make, sale, and/or give away your finished projects
--credit me as the designer by providing a link to my blog; please do not distribute my pattern in electronic or written form

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